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What if the baby gets hot? Autumn mother must have "fire" prescription!

Baby care
2019/05/17 14:50
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After autumn, many mothers began to care about the baby's fire related issues. Such as dry stool, excessive eye droppings, even nosebleeds and so on.

  After autumn, many mothers began to care about the baby's fire related issues. Such as dry stool, excessive eye droppings, even nosebleeds and so on. In autumn, the weather is dry and the temperature difference between day and night is large. If you don't pay attention to the baby, it will easily catch fire. Although it's not a big problem to catch fire, it's unavoidable that the babies will be worried when they look at their babies with bad spirits and appetite. What was the cause of the fire? What can be done to "fire" the baby?


  Symptoms of Baby Fire

  Generally speaking, there are several obvious symptoms of infant's fire.

  1. Eye droppings - Eye droppings are messages sent out by the baby's body. If the baby has a lot of eye droppings, then maybe there is anger.


  2. Red tongue - red tip and edge of baby's tongue is a sign of heartburn.


  3. Be agitated and agitated - when the baby on fire sleeps, it will also appear agitated, restless, crying, easy to wake up, body constantly turning and so on.


  4. Sore in the mouth and tongue - Sore in the mouth and tongue causes the baby to refuse to eat, cry easily and drink water. Babies are prone to keratitis, which is called "rotten corners of the mouth".


  5. The color of the anus becomes darker - the baby's anus should be pink normally. If the color is red and darker, it means that the baby's internal fire is very large.


  6. Deficient sweating and nosebleeds - baby's palms are always wet and cool, and sweating a lot at night when sleeping, which means that baby has false fire. In addition, autumn is relatively dry, the baby on fire is also prone to nosebleeds.


  Baby's bad habits

  What bad habits do Annushi tell you make your baby hot?


  Generally, babies are prone to fire after breast-feeding. The first reaction of mothers is milk powder, but this statement is not entirely correct. Daily bad eating habits, improper feeding and irregular work and rest are also the causes of the baby's fire. If the baby has the above symptoms, then the mother should reflect on whether the baby has the following bad habits.


  1. Don't like drinking water

  Water can accelerate metabolism, and the accumulation of toxins in the body of babies who do not like drinking water can easily lead to fire.


  2. "Eat while it's hot"

  Worried about the food cold is bad for the baby's stomach, parents often say that "eat hot" high-temperature food is easy to make the baby's pharynx mucosa congestion, so that when swallowing throat pain, time is easy to catch fire.


  3. Eat nuts

  Nuts are good for health to a certain extent, but they are dry and salty. When they are eaten, they can easily cause dry mouth, dry tongue, swollen and painful mouth, irritability and other symptoms of fire.


  4. Choose to eat, do not eat vegetables and fruits

  Many babies have the problem of choosing food. They like big fish, big meat, high-calorie food and don't like vegetables and fruits. Therefore, it is easy to lack vitamin C, resulting in gingival, mucosal bleeding and other symptoms of fire.


  5. Eat sweet or spicy food

  Too much sweets and chili peppers are also the main culprits of the baby's fire, which will consume a lot of B vitamins in the body, and cause "fire" symptoms such as glossitis, keratitis, constipation, irritability and so on.


  6. sleep late

  Some babies have not slept until 11:12 p.m. and are hyperactive. This habit is not good, and irregular rest can also cause the baby to catch fire.


  How to scientifically "fire prevention"

  Anutric explains how to scientifically "fire prevention"


  1. Good eating habits

  Drink more water and eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits

  Develop the habit of drinking boiled water. If the baby really does not like to drink, then can use fresh seasonal juice instead. In addition, fruits can not replace vegetables, children do not want to eat vegetables, can beat vegetables into juice, or mixed with meat to make steamed buns, dumplings stuffing.


  Don't eat too much

  Daily diet should be fixed, but not too full, otherwise it will be easy to accumulate food.


  Eat less food on fire

  Spicy, fried, high-calorie foods are easy to catch fire, parents should pay attention to. In addition, there are some hot fruits, it is recommended to eat less.


  2. Regular work and rest

  It is recommended that babies should go to bed early and get up early, and sleep at least 10 hours a day.


  3. Develop regular defecation habits

  After meals, you can take your baby for a walk, help digestion and promote defecation, and avoid the accumulation of toxins in your body causing fire.


  4. Increase and decrease clothes in time

  In autumn, the temperature difference between day and night is quite large. Mothers should add and reduce clothes to their babies in time. If they wear too much clothes, the heat in their bodies will easily cause fire.


  5. Pay attention to the home environment

  In autumn, the weather is dry. It is recommended to open windows and keep the air fresh in the house on weekdays. Humidifier can also be used to keep the humidity at home.

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